Grand Theft Auto 5: Dad Jokes 

Westy's jokes were absolutely horrible, but good. (I know, contradictory, it's an Australian thing, get over it.) He was also annoying me about it so here you go, sit through and listen to them all i dare you.

Grand Theft Auto 5: A day out

Our long awaited and much deserved holiday is in full swing.

Grand Theft Auto 5: Holiday Preparations 


Today in Grand Theft Auto we prepare for a merry holiday with the family. 

Grand Theft Auto 5: Rolling Around

Today I show off the mighty power of the insurgent and push Westy around like a soccer ball.

Grand Theft Auto 5: Road Trip

Join us as we go on a merry road trip through the countryside and encounter a run in with the law.

Fallout 4 Mods

I have started a recent playthrough of Fallout 4 using mods. Here is a list of all the mods I used for the playthrough and highlight videos. These are not my own mods and I have nothing to do with their development.

Live Streaming!

We are using a new service for live streaming which means more options for you to watch our content, yay! Bellow is a list of all the places you can catch our streams. Every time we stream all these places will have our content so no need to watch only through one service. Don't for get to follow us on twitter to get notified when we start streaming.

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